Rock and Ruin

Rock and Ruin

“Tamil, Kannada, Telugu or Malayalam, there is only one superstar – Rajinikanth!” “What about Upendra?”,  I ask. “He is only a copycat”, replies Shankar, our auto driver. Sharing the driver’s seat with him is Gopi, his best friend. “You look like faariner, medam.” Not for the first time has MB heard this in her life. BB and I share a laugh, as the narrow road…

Aboard a train

Aboard a train

Wherever a train goes in this country, chances are that I have been there. And in those hundreds of journeys across thousands of kilometers I have come across uncountable men, women and children some of whom have left an indelible impression on my being. I was lucky enough to capture some on my camera but a vast majority of them are out there is some…

The endless and enchanting Sambhar Lake

The endless and enchanting Sambhar Lake

A picture in a travel magazine of a train cruising past a bunch of rosy pink flamingos had caught our fancy a few years ago. Ever since M and I had been planning to visit the vast expanses of the Sambhar Salt Lake. For one reason or the other, the trip was postponed until last week, when we were cruising down the excellent Yamuna Expressway…